He was smiling with his mouth, but the lines of his face held a deeper, more sardonic humor.
He is English, in his late 20s, with a quick sense of sardonic humour.
He chuckled again, and the sound was lighter, with a ghost of his usual, sardonic humor.
"Something I wrote-naturally," he said with a flash of his old sardonic humor.
It was a situation that must have appealed to Strickland's sardonic humour.
The elements of sardonic humor are strong, perhaps too strong.
The thoughts can still be heard, though dimly, as if from a distance that removes much of their original sardonic humor.
"But in larger groups, his sardonic humor doesn't carry him well."
The corner of the captain's mouth ticked with sardonic humor.
"Funny, but I can see a lot of your sardonic humor in him, Jake."