Its humor came from Roseanne and Dan's irreverent, sarcastic response to family life.
When the officer asked what she was doing, her sarcastic response got her another ride to the Marin County jail.
When asked for his opinion on the matter, Simmons had a sarcastic response.
From another person, the comment might have brought a sarcastic response, but Taylor Lowell hugged his wife and kissed the top of her head.
He often delivers sarcastic responses to dull fact-oriented questions on tests.
A sarcastic response faded from her mind when Serena looked up at Maggie's beaming face.
The Doctor bit back his initial, decidedly sarcastic response, and glanced over at Seven.
First, even the casual reference to suicide does not deserve a sarcastic or offbeat response.
On the phone, you have to worry about someone's sarcastic response to what you're saying.
Angry, sarcastic, or tongue-in-cheek responses are most likely to be struck from the record.