When saner heads prevail - about three-quarters of the time - the room smells invitingly of ginger and soy rather than incense.
After saner heads prevailed, some of that language was restored, although the agreement remains weak.
We can only hope that this decision is reviewed by the Supreme Court and that saner heads prevail.
And who knows, maybe saner heads in that imperiled society WILL prevail.
Traditionally the woman is the one who has a saner head on her shoulders.
So hopefully, much as somebody wants this to happen, saner heads will prevail and say, look, we can't do that.
After the garish rocketry of 1959, the 1960 Cadillacs were greeted as a welcome sign that saner heads were prevailing at giant General Motors.
If saner heads prevail on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, this needn't necessarily lead to crisis.
Unless saner heads prevail, the wounds will continue to fester and putrify while hollow words sail high above the brokenness and stench.
It is time for saner heads in both parties in Congress to press the administration to retain the rule it is trying to disown.