In the southeast part of the lake there is Devonian sandstone rock.
To further contributed to the destruction of the castle was the natural erosion of the sandstone rocks.
Berdorf is known for the sandstone rocks surrounding it.
The soft sandstone rocks at the peak of the hill are covered in the names of past visitors to the area.
The formations consist of dark sedimentary conglomerate and sandstone rock.
It was a wooden structure, rising from a high base of brown sandstone rocks, and quite plainly thick-walled.
It is made up of some fourteen sandstone rocks that are completely submerged at high tide.
Among oak and pine forest there are several large sandstone rocks, shaped during the process of erosion.
The 350-million-year-old sandstone rock has taken shape by uplift over the past 20 million years.
Fossil leaves from ancient trees are found today in the state's red sandstone rocks.