There was no need for a container for the quill, the blotter, and the sand tray or for the writing surface this container could offer.
The main feature involved the creation of hills and a valley using a sand tray, an item featured regularly in the programme.
I walked across to the sand tray and studied it.
It was going to make even the biggest existing pyramid look like something a child might construct in a sand tray.
But playing in sand has a therapeutic component to it and Jungian analysts use sand trays with their patients to unblock buried emotions.
It was during 1929 that from the use of a sand tray, toys and models the Lowenfeld World Technique was first established.
I would turn my back a second and find him sitting in the sand tray.
I'd gone in and found myself staring for the first time at her sand tray.
And why, after two years of viewing the sand tray as if it might be about to blow us both up, you include them in your first go?
Some workers use a sand tray to hold specimens, but this should be avoided because of the likelihood of contaminating the surface.