Localised sand extraction has resulted in numerous pools.
A lot of the villagers are now involved in sand extraction, wherein sand extracted from the river bed is used mostly for construction purposes.
It included measures to encourage further sand extraction.
There are many permanent or seasonal pools, which originate from sand extraction.
In the past, there were a silk factory and sand extraction, although there is no longer any industry within the municipality.
Around the year 1960 a large lake arose between the cities of Tilburg and Hilvarenbeek because of a large sand extraction.
Threats include drainage, sand extraction, burning of grassland and the flooding of land due to the construction of dams.
The introduction of the first labour-saving excavator in 1927 marked the automation of sand extraction.
Future sand extraction is expected to aid a major shipping channel straightening project.
These threats include timber collection, urban dumping, industrial rock and sand extraction, agriculture, transportation, and tourism.