After programming the synthesizer components, Mr. Cobert plays sampled sounds much the way he would play a piano.
Act 1 scene 2 begins the next morning with Jerome working on two short compositions using secretly sampled sounds of Zoe.
A paper doll emits sampled sounds.
The album features a variety of instruments, including harpsichord, piano, and sampled sounds.
Melodic lines may vary from synthesised or sampled sounds which reproduce classical instruments, to more obviously electronic tones.
This way, sampled sounds could be played without the presence of musicians.
The electronic score incorporates sampled industrial sounds which are sometimes "tuned" in order to fit the harmonic landscape of the music.
Some trackers can use both sampled sounds and can synthesize sounds.
Additionally, sampled sounds, such as footsteps, water, birdsong, and wind are used.
At the time it was received with little fanfare, as it did not have digitally sampled sounds; drum machines using digital samples were much more popular.