The samples of the menacing voice saying "Beware, I live!"
Over half the sample say there are women at work who they find sexually attractive.
Well," said Buff slowly, "you're always going to find some connections when you have this large a sample.
A sample of what's said to Father in the bathroom.
A random sample of batteries, say 1,000, are put to use in a target device and operated until one or more fail in service for whatever reason.
Take a sample, have the car towed, say, 'Here's your ticket, call a ride.'
When you practice going out to get samples, the classic technique is to divide the area into a grid and take samples say, every 10 meters.
During the second time, right after the band makes the samples say "Christianity is Communism!
Well, we'll see what the samples say.
The recording begins with a sample of Malcolm X's voice saying "Too black, too strong" repeatedly.