Theoretically, a sample of that size produces results that are accurate for the whole population within 2.5 percentage points in either direction.
Gleick is not convincing in arguing that a statistical sample would produce an improvement over the actual census count.
A sample with heterozygous genotype produces both colors.
For this test probe, the unmodified sample produced unusually high signals for base mismatches.
In one room, metal jars, carefully catalogued, contain samples of beans produced nationwide.
Dr. Thun said only further research would determine why these two large samples produced such different results on this point.
A true random sample conducted by CBS at the same time, however, produced less negative percentages.
He began to hit up all his friends for blood samples and eventually found that different samples produced different patterns of proteins.
So if you wait about 4.5 billion years the same sample would still produce about 6,222 disintegrations per second.
Thus, each sample produces two binary vectors from or 4 bytes of data.