The demographic characteristics of the sample population are worth a few comments.
In the earlier example, the sample population was based on a small sample of white girls (200, from Britain).
The study was also limited by its retrospective method and small sample population.
The following table only includes sample populations with more than 50% E-M215 men.
The reference values depends upon the factors of patient age, gender, sample population, and test method.
In addition, one might ask whether two sample populations have the same phase.
Once the questionnaire is designed, it must be administered to the appropriate sample population for data collection.
This study reports that 62% of the sample population were more accurately described as "violence prone."
When you are dealing with such a small sample population, of course, one anomaly can really throw things off.
Three standard deviations include all the numbers for 99.7% of the sample population being studied.