They say that John Ramsey's samples did not match the ransom note.
Neither sample matched the firm, bold hand of Cassie's secret admirer.
If the sample matches an ink on file, a notation is made in the database.
And the three samples from 1993 matched each other.
These features allow producers to manipulate samples to match other parts of the composition.
If I'm subjected to follow-up testing, the data readings and samples taken from my person wouldn't match what's in the computer.
The samples that were taken from the hospital did not match the ones that the toilet in his home analyzed that morning.
Since parts of our notices vary depending on account conditions, the samples may not exactly match the notices we mail.
So similar and yet the samples did not match anything from Aivas's pathology files sufficiently to call them the same virus.
He had no doubt a sample would match the material under the second kid's fingers.