The writing sample appears as the final section of the exam.
So, overall, the samples don't appear to have been contaminated.
The samples appeared to be quite dry and powdery so I cannot see that it is due to remaining water.
A sample of the song appears in the loading screens of the tennis game Top Spin 3.
The sample appears throughout the track, mainly during the chorus.
Many samples appear to be pitted with micrometeoroid impact craters, which is never seen on Earth rocks, due to the thick atmosphere.
These samples have also appeared on youtube.
Just as you have written off the 1991 vintage in France, a sample appears on the doorstep to confound you.
Thus, sample mixing appears to be an appropriate first-pass method to obtain the most significant expression changes, while using small numbers of arrays.
A sample of this project appeared in Harper's Magazine (January 2008).