Older Colagers mentor younger members, preparing them for challenges that a child may face having same-sex parents.
Insulting heterosexuals and discriminating against children with same-sex parents may score the other side a few runs, but these strategies won't win the game.
For gender-role development, the same-sex parent provides only one of many models from which the individual learns gender-roles.
Nickelodeon, the cable network where SpongeBob makes his home, has no programs featuring same-sex parents.
For some conservative groups, having families with same-sex parents feel part of society is precisely the danger they want to combat.
As the political debate over same-sex parents becomes more contentious, the quality of the research appears to be getting better, some social scientists say.
All of these inappropriate feelings eventually lead to an inner conflict that is resolved only by identification with the same-sex parent.
Most experts agree that studies on the children of same-sex parents have become increasingly broad and authoritative in recent years.
And at day care centers and Sunday school, there is rarely a class without several children who have same-sex parents.
During the first breeding season following their birth, especially if there is a potential mate present, pups are often aggressively attacked by the same-sex parent.