But opinions of Wilde's sexual personae varied even before his same-sex desires were the stuff of public trial.
"In some societies, same-sex sexual desire or practice did figure into the definition of one's gender variant role, in others, it did not."
This was the first major museum exploration of the impact of same-sex desire in the creation of modern American portraiture.
The individual erotes are sometimes linked to particular aspects of love, and are often associated with same-sex desire.
But for kids who grow up dealing with same-sex desire, the effects are often negative.
What made Alexander somewhat unusual wasn't his same-sex desire, but that he slept with men his own age.
The Synod said that "compassion, patience, and loving support should be shown to all those who struggle with same-sex desires."
Several organizations have started retreats led by coaches aimed at helping participants diminish same-sex desires.