When a Brooklyn town house exploded two weeks ago, and when an architectural salvage shop in the East Village collapsed a few days later, he pulled all-nighters.
Afterward, the city ordered the demolition of the building, including an architectural salvage shop, Irreplaceable Artifacts, that it housed.
As the former manager of a salvage shop, his creations incorporate some obviously recycled parts, like chaise longues.
The station building remains as a salvage shop; the platforms were removed long ago but some structures remain at this level on the 'up' side.
One of the boys, Murray, has gotten a job helping a man who owns a salvage shop.
One day Murray brings home an indoor toilet from his job at the salvage shop.
The troubles for Ms. Sotomayer, a receptionist at a law firm, and her neighbors began when two floors in the salvage shop collapsed, tearing a three-story hole in its south wall.
Officials said a construction crew had been working in the salvage shop despite an order from the Buildings Department stopping construction.
Rejuvenation began in 1977 as an architectural salvage shop in a former saloon in North Portland.
Qui-Gon led his companions back through the lime plaza of salvage shops toward the main avenue.