It was also a hell of a lot more than the commissioners in Marsport would award for a salvage job.
Costs of the potential salvage job to remove the wreck have been quoted at approximately $24 million.
That was logical, since this was no ordinary salvage job.
Records showed that a night engineer had not been necessary until after the salvage job had reached its final stage.
"We have an underwater salvage job in mind," said Shaw.
It would cost millions for a salvage job to go that deep to retrieve them.
Well, you see, we have a salvage job that needs to be done, but we haven't found anyone willing to do it.
"I remember about salvage jobs," John said, sounding irritated again.
The results range widely, too, from sublime classics to bizarre salvage jobs.
They were Scuba divers doing a real salvage job, even if only on a tiny sailing-boat.