The basin has several slightly salty lakes and marshes.
In the middle of the island there is a fresh water spring, and more than four hundred small salty lakes are scattered all over its territory.
Due to its warm water and salty lakes it became increasingly popular during the next centuries.
It is a very salty lake, and is many times saltier than the average of the world's oceans.
The Dardanelles were closed and the Black Sea became a salty lake.
They were near the end of it so that Wolf could see the salty lake into which it flowed.
Bob around on the surface - it's almost impossible to swim through the dense, salty lake.
The Sea was actually a salty lake, only fed by polluted farm drainage.
These would get stirred into the salty lake sitting beneath Europa's shell.
The island of; Xaltocan is really a gigantic, almost solid rock, set well out from the mainland in the salty red lake.