It is found only over ten square miles of salt desert, one of the most restricted ranges of all mammals.
Nearing the salt desert, the Interstate seemed to disappear into an enormous bank of ground fog welling up from the south.
The gleaming white salt desert spreads out far, far below, appearing more like ice than like earth.
The Lincoln sped through the dark Nevada night, arrowing along 1-15, across the flat salt desert.
Qum, the dusty 1,000-year-old city on the edge of Iran's great salt desert 90 miles south of Tehran, is the national headquarters for that discourse.
From Wendover, the railroad headed straight south through the salt desert, the right-of-way only 30 feet east of the Nevada state line.
In 1846 some immigrants followed Hastings across the salt desert and experienced thirst and hardship none wished ever to repeat.
Only a relatively few wagons, freight or family, dared try the salt desert after 1850.
Rishel was not the first to cross the salt desert by bicycle, however.
The savage beauty of this vast salt desert makes it one of South America's most awe-inspiring spectacles.