While the Ashuapmushuan River has significantly contributed to salmon production for the lake, the salmon population has seen a sharp decline in the 1990s.
Another form of salmon production, which is safer but less controllable, is to raise salmon in hatcheries until they are old enough to become independent.
The association was initially formed to sell off the surplus pack and it proved so successful that it incorporated in 1892 as the Alaska Packing (correct) Association to better manage canned salmon production to meet demand.
The company generally prospered through the 1930s as salmon production grew but many Alaska canneries were idled during World War II and never reopened.
Last year, five million to six million pounds of fillets were sold, about 2 percent of total Alaskan salmon production; this year, the expectation is sales of more than 20 million pounds.
The municipality's overall industries are some light industry, agriculture, forestry, fishing, salmon production, and tourism.
Dr. Cummins found that long-term salmon production plummets under these conditions and takes three or four decades to recover after trees reappear and are allowed to grow to maturity.
The presence of large foreign firms in the salmon industry has brought what probably most contributes to Chile's burgeoning salmon production, technology.
Farmed salmon production worldwide increased from 47,000 tons to 550,000 tons during the years from 1985 to 1995.
New Zealand will likely remain the major producer of the species as other countries' (predominantly Norway, Canada and the United Kingdom) salmon productions are focused typically on other species such as Atlantic and coho salmon.