The series' opening week sales tallies have been going steadily downhill since Now 22 in July 2006.
Of course, retailers are still ringing up post-Christmas sales, marking down ski sweaters and waiting for the final sales tallies.
Record companies didn't use to "flood the zone" with so many hits before an album was even on the charts, but first-week sales tallies are critical.
But the sales tally is way down.
That represented 44% of the song's overall sales tally of 169K for the week.
Its initial sales tally was 650 copies.
The sales tally is the number of albums sold in that calendar year.
(I just updated all the sales tallies, so they're current.)
Not concerned with sales tallies, the rest of the video business is merely appreciative of the "Forrest Gump" coattails.
That's the second biggest one-week sales tally of the year.