All that changed in the late 1990's, when sales sagged and costs rose.
Vehicle sales showed a strength that continues to defy predictions that sales would sag this year.
But under his leadership at Danskin, sales have sagged and the company's most important asset - the Danskin name - has languished.
As ski sales have slowed this season, sales of ski-related equipment like sunglasses and gloves have also sagged.
The nation's retail chains reported yesterday that sales sagged in February compared with the same month last year.
Hewlett-Packard's sales of high-end servers sagged while customers waited for Superdome.
In recent months, it has struggled as costs climbed and sales sagged.
Consumers turned wary and retail sales in the city sagged.
Most economists expect that the inflation figures will show a modest upturn, and that retail sales sagged again last month.
The Atlanta plant will continue to produce the Taurus and Sable - whose sales have been sagging - through the 2009 model year.