The first issue had estimated sales of 25,543, placing it at number 77 in the sales rankings.
They said they were making the change because their own sales rankings did not always match the Times best-seller lists.
Their top three choices, all ranked close together, precisely mirrored national sales rankings.
Aside from topping the sales rankings, Oricon also reported that the album was a hit with male buyers.
The selection was announced during the taping of yesterday's show, and the book instantly began climbing Amazon's sales rankings.
Amazon introduced a grocery store last week, complete with sales rankings, customer reviews and recommendations.
As for "Stella," the paperback had a sales ranking of about No. 60,000 on Friday.
Bulls merchandise has led NBA Properties' sales rankings since the 1989-90 season., Amazon's biggest rival, which happily followed suit when Amazon began posting each book's sales ranking, has reached for the moral high ground.
RanKing RanQueen applies sales rankings to categories that have never been ranked before.