There is no guarantee that all the sales will occur.
From an accounting standpoint, sales do not occur until the product is delivered.
The known sales of husbands by wives occurred in the 19th century.
The material is mainly used for their own following production steps, sales to the spot market occurred between 2006 and 2009.
The state of the market will become far clearer in the spring and summer months when most home sales occur.
The sales will occur over the next three years at a schedule to be determined by Sun, subject to certain deadlines.
Even where sales had occurred, it found apartments moving at a paltry rate.
In the years of 1984-1986, about $1-2 billion worth of arms sales occurred.
The sales occurred in December 2003, for a reported price of $43 million.
Companies selling goods overseas, for example, pay the tax rate of the country where the sales occurred.