For the year ended 2012, sales per square foot hit a record high of $2,729.60, more than six times the national average.
Avon's 1989 sales hit $3.3 billion, up 8 percent from the prior year.
Last July, the company projected sales would hit $6.2 billion by 2006.
By 2010, sales hit $4 million and were up 50% from the year before.
In the early 1990's, sales hit a slight slump, she said, but they have been coming back strong.
Most industry reports say ink-jet sales for that market are growing at 20 percent a year, and will hit $57 billion in 2001.
Overall sales in the gift shop hit $1 million within three months of the museum's opening to the public.
By the end of the year, retail sales nearly hit $10 million.
Its total sales hit $1.98 billion in 1999, up from $1.85 billion the previous year.
Record sales hit the roof but the death seems to be a mystery to everyone.