Annual sales in the year ended Jan. 28, 1989, totaled $283 million.
Disappointing sales, especially during the 1973 oil crisis, ended production in 1974 .
However, this data was originally released in 1995 before production and sales of the console ended.
But he did say that sales for the fiscal year ended March 31 were up about 45 percent.
All sales ended on September 1, 2011, one year after its premiere, with total revenues exceeding $115,000.
Existing contracts for the Orion 2 were filled, and sales ended.
The June 5 list reflects sales for the week ended May 22.
North American sales ended in 2009, but Chinese production continues.
But its sales in the fiscal year ended March amounted to just $30 million.
Google discontinued the product and sales ended on March 28, 2012.