Both those companies had decided to avoid the dangers at the bottom of the automotive sales cycle rather than try to reach for the peaks.
This reduces your sales cycle time and sales costs by at least half.
Riding out sales cycles isn't easy for small development companies, and it requires changes in direction.
Rather than holding weekly reviews of sales cycles, that fell to every other week.
He favors the stock but calls the company's sales cycles "long and unpredictable."
The sales cycle refers to the time which can reasonably be expected to pass before an order is concluded.
But analysts also said the cruise lines were at a crucial point in their sales cycle, and bad news could do real damage.
"Dealing with the tender offer may also be a distraction to the management team, which is often involved in sales cycles, especially for large transactions."
"Given the long lead time, they're acknowledging the sales cycle will be a prolonged one."
With complex propositions, long sales cycles and large customers, these organizations are ideal candidates for the approach.