Its sales clerks average about $8.50 an hour, or about $14,000 a year, while the poverty line for a family of three is $15,060.
Circulation of the Voice never reached 2000, and sales over its lifetime averaged around 1000.
After all, she said, her sales averaged little more than $2,000 a month.
Foreign crude sales average an estimated $20.16 per barrel, compared with $19.32 a year ago.
North Point's sales averaged $2 million to $3 million a year.
Last year, 140 million songs were sold and sales are averaging over 5 million a week.
In fact, sales are averaging nearly 5,000 monthly, or a potential 60,000 a year.
Their light-truck sales averaged 15,632 a day, up 11 percent.
In the summer, sales average more than 200 a day, at $6.50 a pop.
Over the last five years, its annual sales have averaged about $1.5 billion.