The second sale of his book collection ran for seven days, from 20 to 27 March 1857, eight months after his death, and amounted to £4050.
The sale of the entire estate amounted to 242,000 guilders ($60,000, or about $500,000 today).
According to the website of the London Stock Exchange, the sale amounted to $24 million.
At the Treasury's last monthly auction of one-year bills, the sale amounted to $9.75 billion.
The judge agreed with the union that the sale of the shuttle amounted to a change in the machinists' working conditions.
His total sale from the jewels amounted to many thousands of dollars.
The sale, which covers 30 sites within the forest, amounts to one of the biggest salvage logging operations in the nation's history.
The sale amounted to an end run around Hollinger's board orchestrated by Lord Black.
The sale amounts to a repudiation of the company's chairman.
They then compared those sale amounts to the amount assigned to the same properties for the following year's tax assessment.