The deal also included a proposal to raise the deductible for the umpires' health insurance from $100 to $500, reducing the effective amount of the salary hike.
But the governor came up with a highly unusual proposal that appears to be aimed at helping New York City provide salary hikes for its teachers.
That would put the city in the position of committing to permanent salary hikes and paying for them with money that will never return.
He has persuaded the unions to accept wage freezes and modest salary hikes.
The Government has proposed salary hikes of 4 percent; the union wants 5.5 percent, along with more money for retired people and the unemployed.
But to balance the salary hike there'd be no second home allowance.
Recorded in a transcript of an October 1973 county meeting, Lindsley made a complaint on record about Stanford's salary hike to $20,000.
Previously he won over military chiefs using increases in salary hikes and appointments to what were considered "cushy state jobs."
Desperate to stop the salary hike, the owners proposed an economic partnership in which revenue sharing would play a major role.
But salary hikes and recruitment efforts have come at a price.