In 14 years, my salary has grown 9 percent annually.
Her salary will grow to $199,200 if she is confirmed.
Nationally, teachers' salaries have grown at twice the inflation rate, to an average of $28,000.
Her salary grew from 5,000 francs to 12,000 in 1842 and 20,000 by 1844, with additional performance fees on top.
With the completion of a new six-year contract last month, the average salary has grown to more than $600,000.
The yearly salary could grow by 11% according to the statistics of 2010.
His salary and target bonus grew by 14 percent each, to $495,000 and $341,500.
The union said workers making $26,475 now would see their salaries grow to $29,520 by the end of the contract.
Then he signed on with Connecticut's lottery, where his salary grew to more than $100,000 a year.
As of Monday, the governor's annual salary grew to $130,000, and will rise to $175,000 in 2002.