With a span of control of 5 and a salary differential of 25 per cent, this implies a 'mark-up' over the front-line costs of to allow for the hierarchical 'overhead'.
He also said he wanted signing bonuses and salary differentials to recruit teachers of subjects in which there are chronic staff shortages, like math.
Women are living longer, inheriting more and, despite persistent salary differentials and advancement cutoffs, the so-called glass ceiling, earning more, too.
The Board of Education also reported far higher costs last year for teacher and administrator sabbaticals and termination pay, as well as for salary differentials and other unanticipated payroll expenses.
From California beach towns to New York City, Spanish-speaking police officers, teachers and hospital workers are pressing for bonus money, salary differentials and promotion points.
And both favor merit bonuses and salary differentials for teachers in hard-to-staff schools and in areas with a shortage of teachers, like math, science and special education.
A standardised salary is not our top priority in view of the national office we hold, even though the salary differentials between Member States which the rapporteur has highlighted are enormous and hard to justify.
But salary differentials do not go very far in explaining the legal labor markets.
Before the same Catch-22 emerges next September, the mayor and the teachers' union should agree on a new contract that provides salary differentials to attract teachers where they are needed.
"One can make the case that leaders should get bonuses or salary differentials," he said.