On February 10, 2006, Soriano set a record for the highest salary ever awarded in arbitration, receiving $10 million, even though he lost his request of $12 million.
"I understand why people are angry when they hear about the super-sized salaries and bumper bonuses awarded to top bankers," Clegg said.
But as a consolation prize, Jackson gained the 15th $1 million salary awarded in the 15-year history of salary arbitration.
Among the forces driving Hollywood toward the safe shore of formulaic and derivative movie-making are the inflated salaries awarded performers whose names are thought to guarantee box-office success.
Terry Pendleton of St. Louis won his case and matched the second-largest salary ever awarded.
The figure establishes two salary-arbitration records: It is the highest salary awarded in the procedure's 12-year history and it gives Morris the biggest raise, $975,000, ever gained in arbitration.
Liddle walked away smelling like a rose; and Blair rewarded him with the highest increase in salary awarded anyone in government.
They will get what we call a say on pay, a voice with respect to the salaries and bonuses awarded to top executives.
The pitcher nevertheless emerged with the highest salary ever awarded in the 19-year history of salary arbitration, eclipsing Ruben Sierra's $5 million in 1992.
Despite the clubs' won-lost advantage this year, players emerged with five of the six highest salaries awarded in the 341 hearings.