Ruth was as saintly a woman as ever walked this earth.
When he reached the square he discovered that some saintly women had tea brewing.
Her name was Manuelita, a saintly woman who raised two children, working like a mule to support them.
Astiana went on to become an Abbess, a saintly old woman who cared for the sick.
She is described in the poem of Isabel, and was "a remarkable and saintly woman."
Marina, revered as a saintly woman in her barrio, was the visionary of the group.
He looked like a tired, fat, saintly black woman, slaving in the service of the Lord.
There wasn't any need to warn such a saintly woman about eternal damnation.
Personally, he did not attempt to analyse the marvel of a saintly woman.
She is a saintly woman who is always trying to help others.