A typical Hindi movie plot: A poor and saintly father and mother are killed by a rich villian.
Among the bystanders is her blind, saintly father, who reviles her in a mistaken belief that she left him purposely.
I said I will take heed to my ways that I trespass not with my tongue,' replied the saintly father.
They had made an exception only when an outbreak of fin-rot was decimating their young, and Lawler's saintly father had come to them with a vaccine.
Anthony Kilby wet his lips as he stared at the enormous portrait of his saintly father.
Marcus Kilby's crooked son profits fraudulently from the sale of overvalued land to the city to be used as a memorial to his own saintly father!
Kilby's only motive was the recovery of forged documents that would have blasted the reputation of his saintly father.
Two days after (on Kanni 19, which is September 29, 1685) in the afternoon, the saintly father died at the age of 92.
You mangy brat, I'm not your saintly father.
People revere him as a saintly father; he is the pride of the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Church.