Saint Nemesius, a saint venerated near Lisieux in France.
Breage, also known as Breaca, Briac, etc., is a saint venerated in Cornwall and southwestern Britain.
Escrava Anastacia is a popular saint venerated in Brazil.
Æbbe was a saint venerated in medieval Oxfordshire.
The saints specially venerated in the diocese are:
He is a Catholic saint, with feast day May 5., especially venerated in Douai.
The Roman has thus become nearly universal, with the allowance only of additional offices for saints specially venerated in each particular diocese.
Dachuna was a medieval virgin saint venerated in Cornwall.
Ælfthryth is a saint, venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, as a virgin, and recluse, died c. 795.
The Spanish name most likely refers to one of four saints venerated with the name Venantius.