Another saint, named Saint Cyriacus, died during this century, and there may have been confusion between the two saints.
Another story tells about a saint named Kannappa.
It is the resting place for 2 saints - husband and wife - named by believers as Ammajan and Bawajan.
The canonization ceremony was the second round of saints named by Benedict since he became pope in April 2005.
At a young age, he left his house and came under the tutelage of a saint named Kailsahpathi Baba, who lived in Tarapith.
A saint named Thavanithi was performing his worship in the temple.
The saints here named are not known.
I don't think there is a saint named Blanche.
An important seventh-century saint and mystic, named Isaac of Nineveh, became a leader in the Syrian church.
A wooden image of the saint named 'Muthappen,' was taken around in procession and people used to offer prayers and offerings to it.