The sculptor selected a young sailor called Fred Barker, who modelled in the nude and in uniform.
After sustaining a fall after school, Jo meets a black sailor called Jimmy who invites her on to his ship to attend to her grazed knee.
"Miss," the sailor called as Bink emerged with the vial.
By the second half of the 19th century, over 100 sailing vessels were home ported in Risør and more than 1000 sailors called Risør home.
The sailor called Modan said, "Well, bless you, sieur, so'd we.
"Hold it," the sailor called.
An old sailor called Thomas Taverner wrote a poem which gives us this information:
His only contact is with a sailor called Howie who brings him food supplies once every few months.
He was leaning on the railing on top of the carrier United States's superstructure, her island, a place the sailors called Steel Beach.
A sailor called, "Sir, they're coming after us in a launch."