Let us take your small sailing canoe and run down to Matavai.
No one knows how to build a sailing canoe anymore, Sarapul.
He stood by what appeared to be a large fallen tree, but when Tuck got closer he saw it was a long sailing canoe.
Sarapul began to chop at the underbrush in front of the sailing canoe to clear a path to the water.
Tuck watched as a sailing canoe materialized on the beach.
The 110 is a long, narrow, double ended boat, resembling a sailing canoe.
I have just learned that they left the cutter not far from here and set out for Tetiaroa in a sailing canoe.
It is enough to say that on the ninth day the wind shifted to northeast and brought our sailing canoe in, four hours after the shift.
The first sailing canoes emerged in ancient Polynesia over 1,000 years ago.
The original inhabitants traded and fought widely in their sailing canoes.