Routliffe was born in New Zealand while her parents were on an around-the-world sailing adventure.
"But we're going on one more sailing adventure this weekend," he said.
You have heard her describe her life with her husband, their delight in his success, their wonderful sailing adventure which they both enjoyed so much.
With the sun about to set on his 10-month sailing adventure, Guy Grieve encounters gale-force winds and towering waves.
Guy Grieve and his family are relieved to reach dry land on their 10-month sailing adventure.
Spend a week ashore enjoying all the facilities of the beach resort and hone your skills before setting out on a sailing adventure.
On the last night, safely back in the marina, we sat on the deck under a canopy of stars, planning our next sailing adventure.
"I had written a book about some sailing adventures with my daughter but couldn't find a publisher," Mr. Watson said.
After returning from his sailing adventure, Lord immediately set about writing and creating a new radio program.
Greek sailing adventure on an extreme budget!