Certainly it fit their description, and we found it by following their directions, that is, by sailing close-hauled almost due west.
It was not the fact that somebody sailed west that led to the European conquest of America and thus of the world.
They don't know any more about the terra incognita than Columbus did when he sailed west from Spain in 1492.
Just a year later William Edward Parry was able to sail further west, through those non-existent mountains.
Five months later, she again sailed west for duty with the 7th Fleet.
After finishing this exercise on 1 March, she sailed west for her first western Pacific cruise in almost two years.
She sailed southwest of Svalbard and west of Bear Island.
Alonso de Ojeda sailed further west along the coast and briefly explored parts of what is now Colombia.
"Enemy is now sailing due west," the lookout called down.
As planned that day, the whole Navy sailed west of the city to the mouth of the river Giofyros.