For three lovely days we sailed onward to Bermuda, a white ship upon an azure sea, a veritable picture book of contentment.
Taking no notice of the interruption, Dihn Ruuu sailed serenely onward.
Each block continued to sail onward as soon as it had left his hand, until it hit the wall and rebounded.
As they finally lifted anchor and sailed onward, Tanny's rising excitement was communicated to Killashandra.
The remains of St Apollinaris were put ashore, and the ship was then able to sail onward.
The bloodied wheel sailed onward without even being slowed.
Before I could stammer relieved thanks she sailed onward.
But as the clouds gather and the wind stiffens, we sail onward, with no apparent adjustment in course, full steam ahead.
After determining that the bay was too shallow, the party sailed onward.
We sailed onward, and the smoke hung in the sky like a great cloud black with thunder.