A young man in a clean saffron robe met them at the first hallway.
When he returned to the room, he saw a monk in saffron robes sitting off to the side.
He receives the saffron robe and is helped into this by a monk.
All the men left the fort in saffron robes to fight the enemy unto death.
He seems to have adopted the saffron robe of a Buddhist monk.
And he wasn't wearing the saffron robe, or the peacock coat for that matter.
She gestured to the youth in the saffron robes, and he followed her through the gates.
When he was relaxing, a sage wearing saffron robes came there from the mountains.
The grand lama clutched at his saffron robe with both hands.
"You see that one in the saffron robe with the red and black brocade?"