I hope the President's decision to go against the military's recommendations won't jeopardize the safety of our troops.
Thinking he was staying in order to ensure the safety and welfare of his troops when he invaded the Kingdom of the Parthians.
However, Ambiorix, after promising Sabinus his life and the safety of his troops, had him surrounded and cut down.
At issue is how accountable commanders should be for the safety of their troops.
He's a fanatic about the safety of his troops.
"How can I ignore the expert opinion of General Myers concerned with the safety of his troops?"
More is at issue here than just concern for the safety of our troops.
This was in order to ensure the safety of their troops still stationed in Germany.
The safety of my troops is more important to me than my own life, or anyone else's for that matter.
Although a capable leader, Helga tries too hard and makes rash decisions that jeopardize the safety of her troops.