As a result, safety enhancements spurred by the alert reflected incremental steps rather than wholesale changes.
Funds will be used to improve storm water drainiage, resurface streets, replace lighting fixtures and traffic calming, and make other pedestrian safety enhancements.
The safety enhancements scheduled for completion in 2011 include:
At this airport in Windham, for instance, we're not necessarily expanding, but we're looking at safety enhancements, with the creation of a new taxiway.
"The view was that, on balance, there was a public safety enhancement to allowing officers to perform private security," Mr. Koehler said.
In January 2000, the two countries signed an agreement on safety enhancement at nuclear plants.
It came with an updated, sleeker and more modern design, as well as safety enhancements such as anti-lock brakes (ABS).
While the awards were intended to encourage safe operating practices and safety enhancements, the awards have also occasionally been the source of some labor disputes.
SR9 pistols with serial numbers of 330-30000 and higher were manufactured with the safety enhancements and are not subject to the recall.
One of the safety enhancements of the 1970s was the widespread adoption of padded dashboards.