And my decision as to whether there's any chance at all we can still launch safely.
They unloaded the boats there, pushing or carrying them and their few possessions to a point where they could safely launch them again.
This Shuttle will launch and return safely.
The rifle has a gas regulator that can be turned off completely in order to safely launch rifle grenades from the muzzle.
Jason didn't wait to see if the rocket would launch safely; he was already partway down the slope, out of line of sight of the rocket.
Disadvantages were its inability to safely launch into polar orbit, corrosion from the salt air, and frequent bad weather.
I've got the first volume launched safely; consequently, half of the suspense is over, and I am that much nearer the goal.
With the Republic safely launched Verwoerd could at last select his praetorian guard to protect it and hold it strong.
The catalog is also used to generate the United Nations Registry Report, so national and international agencies can make sure new satellites will safely launch and orbit.
Despite the fact that none of the B-25 pilots, including Doolittle, had ever taken off from a carrier before, all 16 aircraft launched safely between 08:20 and 09:19.