She wished she could retreat to a nice safe cocoon and still do what had to be done.
It doesn't matter, they are in the safe cocoon.
Nothing could pierce the safe cocoon she had woven for herself, except Webb, her only weakness.
Now, she wanted only to sit here in a safe and well-organized cocoon where she could manipulate others.
She wished the winter could last forever, wrapping her and Cadzow in its safe cocoon, but she was realistic enough to know that wishes would not make it so.
Why did the wide, hard chest beneath her head and the steel arms around her feel like the safest cocoon in all the world?
He wheeled himself into a corner near his front window, as if retreating to a safe cocoon.
The five young founders wanted something that their urban, business-oriented lives couldn't provide: a safe cocoon where they would be known and accepted.
Houston, second-guessed and criticized for leaving what seemed to be a safe cocoon in Detroit before last season, gave the Knicks repeated blood buckets as the Lakers attempted assault after assault.
I was rushed from the tumultuous courtroom, enfolded in a safe cocoon of lawyers and friends and my precious family.