Genshed is a psychopath, whose sadistic treatment of his slave children goes far beyond any harsh but 'necessary' disciplining.
There is no confirmation of any of the stories told about her sadistic treatment of her slaves.
"You, there," Papa said, gruff because he couldn't abide what he called sadistic treatment.
More than 33,000 inmates died as a result of malnutrition, disease, or the sadistic treatment by their captors.
This would have one meaning in a study like Donald Spoto's, where the author sought to explore Hitchcock's sadistic treatment of his ingenues.
Despite the brutal and sadistic treatment, all but four of Grenadier's crew survived their two years in Japanese hands.
Most Americans were shocked by the sadistic treatment of Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison.
I had a horrible vision of what his sadistic treatment could be to that boy.
"This was inhumane and sadistic treatment of young women who were kept as virtual slaves," said Christopher J. Christie, the federal prosecutor.
Bosch had often singled out the religious orders and upper echelons of the Church for sadistic treatment in his depictions of Hell.