Has a ruthless and sadistic nature with a cold personality.
His special sexual tastes seemed to lean towards acting, out elaborate fantasies of an overtly sadistic nature.
It would require a plastic surgeon with a sadistic nature to make even a start on the job.
She was thinking of the time the Felines had been assigned to be with a visiting woman of somewhat sadistic nature.
She is a tiny six-year-old demon girl with a sadistic nature and dry wit.
Kasumi reveals a sadistic nature as she enjoys 'torturing' those entrusted in her care.
The Chief says Nurse Ratched hired them for their sadistic nature.
They were about to witness an exhibition that would appeal to their sadistic natures.
His docile mother ignores her husband's sadistic nature and allows the violence to proceed.
Later on, his relationship with Andrea ends when she finds out about his dark, sadistic, duplicitous nature.