A very sad indictment of the US military, who do seem to act like a loose canon at times.
That's a sad indictment of our modern age.
It was a sad indictment and one that was also decidedly unfair.
It's a sad indictment of society these days that people are not willing to get involved when they see a situation developing.
A very sad indictment of the fact that at the end, the Guardian actually had no loyalty or consideration whatsoever towards its users.
And it's a sad indictment of our society that it has required .
Indeed a sad indictment on our modern times.
"It's a sad indictment of their sexual expectations," he said.
Its actually a sad indictment of the voting public that this conman is allowed to call himself prime minister.
Now, perhaps this is a sad indictment of the type of people my colleague associates with.