He zeroes in on these funds' willingness to sacrifice big gains.
They made their decision before Mr. Naruse's pay was cut, a shock for a generation that sacrificed bigger gains in the private sector for the security of government jobs.
From these results, this study shows that grateful people are more likely to sacrifice individual gains for communal profit (DeSteno & Bartlett, 2010).
Traditional thinking on employee ownership held that employees would sacrifice long-term gains for short-term rewards, which is why economists consulting in post-Communist Eastern Europe disparaged worker ownership.
Sometimes, the company will use financial instruments, mainly options, to hedge only part of its risk, or sometimes, just seek to limit losses without sacrificing potential gains.
"We've sacrificed immediate gains to fuel our expansion, but when the fat lady sings, we'll win," he said.
To gain protection against declines, investors must sacrifice potential gains in a rising market.
Most economists agree that without this shock therapy, which sacrificed short-term gains for long-term growth, modern Poland would be a much poorer country.
Furthermore, business decisions are made in favor of short-term profitability, sacrificing greater long-range gains, and American managers still have to learn that market share is more important than profits.
Will they sacrifice economic gains at home to bring about "global social justice," as he advocates?